
Tell you How to Read a Skincare Product Label

It is important to understand what your skincare products labels mean. By knowing what the words stand for, you can become an expert in what you need in your skin care items. People with allergies and sensitive skin may find it important to know what the ingredients listed on their skin care labels are and what they do.

1. Learn skin care terminology. You will want to understand what oil-free, alcohol-free, hypoallergenic, organic, dermatologist-tested and natural mean. For example, oil-free means it is not oil-based; hypoallergenic means that most of the people that were tested did not have allergic reactions to this product, such as rashes or itching.

2. Research the ingredients. If it is a humectant, it moisturizes the outermost layers of skin. If it is an emollient, it will lubricate dry skin. If it contains botanicals, it means it has nutrients that are plant-based. If your skin care products contains vitamins, it is made to protect your skin from things like sun damage and age, according to "The Beauty Workbook."

3. Identify the active ingredients. Acne treatments generally have Benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid in them. Most brands will list active ingredients as just that, and there will be no mistake.

4. Read the order of ingredients. Ingredients are listed in order of highest concentration to the least. The exception is if an ingredient is classified as a drug, then that ingredient is listed first. Dyes and colorings are generally listed last.

5. Know what irritates your skin. You do not want to put something on your skin that has a high probability of making you itch or giving you a rash. Some irritants include perfumes and artificial fragrances, which can irritate more than just the skin.


