
Keep Your Hair Color from Fading

Avoid anyone knowing your hair color is fake by preventing premature fading of the color. Every six to eight weeks, women visit the beauty salon, or the hair color aisle at the drugstore, to touch up their roots or highlights. Evade an early visit by changing your hairstyling routine or using color-treated products for your hair. Hair color can have a long lifespan, at least until the roots start to show, if it is cared for and maintained between salon visits.

1. Wait 48 hours after you wash your hair to add faux color, and then wait another 48 hours after the color to wash. The natural oils in your hair, which will develop over the 48 hours before it is colored, will help the color adhere to the hair follicles. During the hair color application, the stylist will clean the hair; therefore, wait another 48 hours after the color to wash to prevent premature fading.

2. Avoid hot water when washing your hair. The hot water will blow open the cuticle and cause premature fading. Use tepid or cold water to wash your hair for the best results. In addition to keeping your color intact, the cold water will give a natural shine to your hair.

3. Use products for "color-treated hair" only. Other products that are not formulated for color-treated hair could fade the color. Avoid using volumizing shampoo because, like hot water, the shampoo will blow open the cuticle and cause premature fading.

4. Shampoo your hair less frequently to maintain the scalps natural oils and the color. Wash hair every other day to protect the color and maintain its vibrancy. Your hair can be conditioned daily, with a color-safe conditioner. In addition, apply a deep conditioner once a week to maintain color and shine.

5. Avoid using heating elements more than four times a week. These items include curling irons, hairdryers and flat irons. If you must use a hairdryer daily, apply a heat-protection serum to the hair prior to use and use a cool setting. It is best to let color-treated hair air dry. Other items, such as flat irons and curling irons, should also be used less than four times a week. If possible, let the hair air dry and then use a heated styling product. Avoid using a heated styling product after a hairdryer.

