
Take Pets on Family Vacations

Some pet lovers travel without their furry friends, while others can't bear the thought of hiring a pet sitter or using boarding facilities. Traveling with pets and planning a family vacation with them in tow presents a whole new set of travel challenges. Whatever type of pet you have, there are ways to make taking a pet-friendly family vacation with your sanity in check.


1. Locate pet-friendly accommodations. Not all hotels, motels, rental houses or bed and breakfasts will allow you to bring your pet along. You need to do a little bit of research before you leave home to assure that your pet receives a warm welcome.

2. Travel by car. If you insist on taking a family vacation with your pets, you should consider taking a trip that can be navigated by car. If your pets are in a confined space with you, rather than in a crate in a pet compartment, they'll feel more secure and you can be sure to make the necessary amount of stops for relief and fresh air.

3. Observe all rules. Make sure that you know what restrictions exist before you start out on your vacation. For example, there may be weight restrictions on the dogs that are allowed to stay, or certain accomodations may not welcome scaly or feathered critters.

4. Be respectful of your fellow vacationers. No matter where you end up staying, it's important for your pets to be as invisible and as quiet as possible while you're away. The people around you in a rental community or hotel are on vacation, too, and they don't want to hear a barking dog all day or a parrot's incessant chatter.

5. Know your pet inside and out. If your pets don't do well alone or can't easily adjust to new spaces, you may have to think about the unthinkable and possibly leave them behind. Just because you found pet-friendly accommodations doesn't mean that you'll be able to bring your pets along with you on museum tours or to the beach.

6.Practice meticulous cleanliness. Even though your pets may be welcome where you're staying, it doesn't mean you have carte blanche. Your pets shouldn't be allowed on the furniture nor should they be allowed inside until paws are clean and dry.

7. Plan a vacation that's close to home. No matter what mode of transportation you decide upon, it's easier on the whole family if you keep your destination to within a few hours of travel time. This places less stress on your pets, and you as well.

